Healthcare for Persons with
Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Specialized healthcare for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Hudson Valley Comprehensive Healthcare is a division of The Arc Rockland which provides supports and services to nearly 1,000 people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Our roots are firmly planted in caring for IDD patients.
Providing healthcare for people with IDD requires understanding multiple factors and has numerous challenges that otherwise do not exist outside of IDD care. Some of these are:
How the person communicates.
How the person’s specific disability or syndrome affects their life and their health.
What type of diagnostic labels they have been given.
Informed consent and liability.
External and internal limitations in choice- and decision-making.
Trauma and adverse childhood experiences.
What is important to the person in their life.
Understanding these challenges is only the first step in caring for a person with IDD. Being able to successfully navigate these challenges when providing healthcare for a person with IDD is the next step. Providing care to the person with IDD is vastly different to providing care for the person. Respecting their ability to have control in their life means carefully balancing the to vs. for scenerio. Having a healthcare professional that specializes in IDD care can make all the difference.
At HVCH, we take our mission of providing the best healthcare to person with IDD very serious. We understand that balancing the to and for can be challenging and is why we take a patient-centered approach to our care. The patient and their family are at the center of our care giving team. They are equal collaborators in all the decisions for a plan of care because what works for one person may not work for another. Personalizing healthcare for the individual is what we do best.